Behind the Scenes

Music in the Time of COVID

Grace Presbyterian Church’s worship music has lifted people up throughout the pandemic. Grace upon Grace would like to tip its figurative hat to Music Director Donald Du Laney and the musicians of Grace: the choir, violinist Liz Moulthrop, trumpet and horn player Richard  Hagen, and guitarists Mark Hatten and Matt Sullivan, who have recorded accompaniments, instrumental solos, songs, hymns, and choral anthems.

Grace owes a special thanks to Gwendolyn Leggett. From the very beginning of the pandemic, Gwen has applied her artistic prowess, musical talents, and technical skill to every piece of music that Grace has seen, heard, and sung. Here are a few examples where all three have been brought to bear with beautiful results:

Website Design

If you are enjoying the look and ease of navigating Grace’s new website, you have Danielle Campisi to thank. Danielle has been hard at work for many weeks building a new site from the ground up and moving content from the old site over.

MESH Café Returns to Grace

On March 6th, MESH Café returned to the Fellowship Hall at Grace. Read all about it here.